Wednesday, December 18, 2013

O Que Estamos Pedindo?

Quarta-feira, 18 dezembro, 2013

Se Eu escrevesse o Senhor uma Carta

Passei algum tempo ontem a pensar no Natal , e todas as coisas que gastam tempo fazendo sobre os feriados ... muitas pessoas dizem que eles gostam de Natal porque os ajuda a se preparar ou reorientar a sua vida em Cristo. Algumas pessoas também têm a visão de que é um bom tempo para se preparar para o retorno de Cristo , porque a cruz foi a razão fundamental para o nascimento estamos celebrando ... Tenho vindo a sentir a necessidade de romper com o " duas vezes por ano alta igreja ", que vem de ser cristão .. Eu amo os feriados , e Páscoa será sempre o meu favorito de todos os feriados .. mas eu quero mais do que apenas duas pequenas explosões de entusiasmo na preparação para o Cristo .. Parece duro, mas que permite a preguiça em minha vida cristã .. tudo ao nosso redor pessoas precisam de esperança em suas vidas .. eles estão cansados ​​e quebrados .. e todos os domingos é um grande domingo para apresentá-los a minha família da igreja. Todo dia é um bom dia para a oração com aqueles que eu amo , e os que eu não sei . Nós muitas vezes esperar por desastres ou feriados para compartilhar com as pessoas sobre o Cristo.

Eu também percebi que eu posso passar a minha vida " se preparando " para Cristo , ou eu posso perceber que Ele é verdadeiramente aqui já nos rostos das pessoas que amo .. Eu pensei sobre as maneiras que as pessoas tentam obter a salvação pessoal, tentando viver uma "vida impecável " .... eles trabalham tão duro tentando encobrir seus próprios traseiros e manter uma aparência de perfeição, que a missão de Jesus sofre em torno deles. Tudo que a preparação e nenhum resultado de grande mudança para os preparadores que trabalharam tão duro para ser "perfeito" , porque as nossas relações uns com os outros produzem muito do que sentimos através de Cristo.

Eu pensei por um tempo que uma carta para Deus soaria como .. pleaing para o Cristo para ser enviado de volta para nós para apenas um dia da minha vida. Percebi também através dela, o quanto sua presença é tida como certa na " escrita " da carta. Seria algo como isto.

"Querido Deus,

Você sabe que o mundo é uma bagunça, para você o criou, e pode ver que a Criação foi abusada . As pessoas não se tratam bem. Nós temos a pobreza , temos injustiça .. Você pode por favor enviar Jesus de volta em forma humana para corrigir isso para o dia ? Você sabe que no caso de pobreza que temos muitas pessoas com alimentos e roupas para fora. Se ele pudesse voltar e cuidar de que tudo seria muito melhor .. Oh, espere , temos Abolir missões em situação de pobreza e fim. Oh sim e fora de alcance internacional , boa sustentável ... Mesmo quando Jesus caminhou sobre a terra toda a pobreza não foi abolida, porque ele está em processo que exige um trabalho constante, vamos juntos indo, isso é certo. Acho que as pessoas encontrá-Lo já quando compartilhamos . Talvez a gente precisa se concentrar em outra coisa que precisa. Nós só temos um dia ... Hmm .

Ok Senhor , temos pecado. tantas opções ruins. Pessoas machucar uns aos outros com raiva e ódio. Podemos ter Jesus conosco por um dia para que isso tudo vai terminar . Oh wait. Um dia, 365 dias por ano , mesmo quando Jesus estava aqui , as pessoas tratavam mal, porque eles não poderiam ser ensinados de uma só vez .. Eu acho que ele já está nos ajudando em persuing paz e os ministérios de cuidado que prestamos. Se fosse só por um dia, quantas pessoas iriam sofrer o resto do ano? ? O foco deve escolho Senhor? , Se isso um dia Jesus viria algo teria que ser perfeito.

Acho que tenho agora .. Precisamos preparar as pessoas para servi-lo, para ensinar-lhes tudo e experimentar congregações na missão de tal forma o mundo muda. Como sobre isso. Jesus pode ser nosso congregações pastor por um dia? Se ele pode ensinar-nos a servir, e para fazê-lo fora do nosso talento , nossa congregação seria perfeito. Ei, espere .. E se Jesus não toca piano? E se ele realmente não sabe como fazer um powerpoint ? O que podemos fazer? E se nós realmente não faz bem para o projeto que ele quer que façamos na comunidade ? Oh meu Deus, eu acho que nós precisamos conversar abertamente com nossos pastores sobre as nossas congregações esperanças e sonhos , e que eles saibam o que é bom. Eu acho que precisamos de gastar tempo a crescer mais perto de Jesus nas aulas e programas de treinamento para que possamos expandir nossas opções para servir.

Ok Senhor, eu tê-lo! E se Jesus voltar para o dia e convida a todos para estar com ele ! Ele resolve tudo .. eles iriam vê-lo em carne e sei como é maravilhoso ser um discípulo de Cristo pode ficar. Oh hey esperar .. Eu me lembro que sendo ridicularizado e correu para fora da cidade aconteceu pela primeira vez Ele estava aqui. Lembro-me também que muitas pessoas levaram anos para se tornar verdadeiramente aquainted com Jesus .. Thomas , Peter , mesmo James seu próprio irmão tinha que ter tempo para aceitá-lo .. então eu acho que isso significa que o que estamos indo ter que assumir o trabalho em conjunto e mantê-la se estamos indo cada vez para chegar a algum lugar . Ao invés de esperar por Jesus para voltar e consertar as coisas para mim , eu tenho que ajudá -lo com o trabalho que está sendo feito ...

                                                                            Seu em Seu Nome,
                                                                           Josie Dalton de Carvalho

What Are We Asking For?

If I Wrote the Lord a Letter

I spent some time yesterday thinking about Christmas, and all of the things that we spend time doing over the Holidays... many people say that they enjoy Christmas because it helps them to prepare or refocus their life in Christ. Some people also hold the view that it is a good time to prepare for the return of the Christ, because the cross was the ultimate reason for the birth we are celebrating... I have been feeling the need to break away from the "twice a year church high" that comes from being Christian.. I love the Holidays, and Easter will always be my favorite of all Holidays.. but I want more than just two little bursts of enthusiasm in preparing for the Christ.. It sounds harsh, but that enables laziness in my Christian life..all around us people are in need of hope in their lives.. they are weary and broken.. and every Sunday is a great Sunday to introduce them to my church family. Everyday is a good day for prayer with those I love, and those I do not know. We often wait for disasters or Holidays to share with people about the Christ. 

I also realized that I can spend my life "preparing" for Christ, or I can realize that He is truly here already in the faces of those I love.. I thought about the ways that people try to obtain personal salvation by trying to live a "spotless life".... they work so hard trying to cover their own backsides and maintaining an appearance of perfection, that the mission of Jesus suffers around them. All that preparing and no results of major change for the preparers who worked  so hard to be "perfect", because our relationships with each other produce so much of what we feel through Christ. 

I thought for a while what a letter to God would sound like.. pleaing for the Christ to be sent back for us for just one day of my life time. I also realized through it, how much His presence is taken for granted in the "writing" of the letter. It would be something like this.

" Dear God,

You know that the world is a mess, for you created it, and can see that Creation has been abused. People do not treat each other right. We have poverty, we have injustice.. Can you please send Jesus back in human form to fix this for the day?? You know in the case of poverty we have many people with out food and clothing. If He could come back and take care of that everything would be much better.. Oh wait, we have Abolish Poverty and End Suffering missions. Oh Yes and Out Reach International, sustainable good...  Even when Jesus walked the earth all poverty was not abolished, because it is on going process that requires constant work as we go together, that is right . I guess people meet Him already when we share. Maybe we need to focus on something else that has need. We only have one day... Hmm. 

Okay Lord, we have sin. so many bad choices. People hurt each other out of anger and hate. Can we have Jesus with us for one day so that this will all end. Oh wait. One day, 365 days a year, even when Jesus was here, people treated each other badly, because they could not all be taught at once.. I guess He is already helping us in persuing peace and the caring ministries we provide. If it was only for one day, how many people would suffer the rest of the year??? What focus shall I choose Lord?, if this one day Jesus would come something would have to be perfect.

I think I have it now.. We need to equip people to serve You, to teach them all and to experience congregations in mission in such a way the world changes. How about this. Jesus can be our congregations pastor for one day? If he can teach us to serve, and to do so out of our giftedness, our congregation would be perfect. Hey wait.. what if Jesus doesn't play the piano? What if he doesn't really know how to make a powerpoint?? What would we do? What if we don't really do well at the project he wants us to do in the community??  Oh my, I guess we need to talk openly with our pastors about our congregations hopes and dreams, and let them know what we are good at. I guess we need to spend time growing closer to Jesus in classes and  training programs so we can expand our options to serve.

Okay Lord, I have it! What if Jesus comes back for the day and invites everyone to be with him! It solves it all.. they would see him in the flesh and know how wonderful being a follwer of Christ can be.Oh hey wait.. I seem to remember that being mocked and ran out of town happened the first time He was here. I also remember that many people took years to become truly aquainted with Jesus.. Thomas, Peter, even James his own brother had to have time to accept him.. so I guess that means that what we are going to have to take up the work together and keep at it if we are ever going to get anywhere. Rather than waiting for Jesus to come back and fix things for me, I have to help Him with the work being done...

                                                                            Yours in His Name,
                                                                           Josie Dalton de Carvalho 

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Other 11 Months

When I was a kid I always wanted to be a doctor. I loved taking care of people, to the point where when my dad accidently cut his head open with a chain saw, I cut out paper bandaids for his head, I asked for a doctors kit for Christmas that year, and Santa graciously obliged. I was so happy! For many Christmas seasons to come Santa continued to wow me. I remember the year I got a hand held Citizens black and white television. Then there was the year I got a "Get in Shape Girl"  exercise kit and a camera.. I was so happy I could have burst!

Now that I am older I really have no desire to have more things or for Santa to spend time "wowing" me. I am not an old crab or anything like that, it is just that for me I want Christmas, the Season of Hope and Blessing to not be confined in my life to one 4 - 5 week span each year. There are so many opportunies to come in contact with the living Christ, the forever living hope, that I like to spend as much time as possible in this kind of spiritual preparation for blessings the rest of the year, as most  people do only for Advent and Christmas..  "Santa"  a figure of blessings has been present with me year round for quite some time now. I like to think of him as the greatest marketing figure for angelic ministry of generosity ever. Yes I know in some ways it is sad that Jesus did not get that kind iconic representation for the masses, but I think some day the world will be more likely to "get it" as we mature.

This year I went to Brazil and painted a church with two of my friends from the church in July. It was my second of three trips in one year..

 I never would have dreamed or imagined that I would be doing this kind of missionary work overseas. Seeing the transformation of the people as the work progressed was amazing.. The look of hope became more and more noticeable each week on the faces of the people as they delighted in the improvements being made. To add to this story of blessings, I had someone graciously pay for the paint, and my air fare. My family is not wealthy, and sometimes we have to really scrimp to get through the week, but there is always enough because someone always provides in some way was missing, Most often that person was from my faith community.. 90% of the blessings we have received have been from January to November as God does not limit the blessings of knowing His Son to the Advent and Christmas seasons. 

So often I have experinced the wow moments during times of struggle, much like when I was a child, and it never ever loses its effect when the blessings come forth. It feels warm and amazing everytime.. So Santa forgive me if I am not really worked up for just December, and I have not left you out at all... there are simply 11 other months out of the year that also bring joy to life, and I want to appreciate them all

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The Label of Sin, Careful With YOUR Stickers...

Weighting Sin...

It seems as child we learn that "sin" is something bad that we do. We see it through a child's eyes of course, so it is equated with telling lies, or hitting someone. When we get a little older, we still equate sin with telling lies, hitting people, and then other things come along like stealing, cheating, and basic dishonesty fall into the understanding of sin. 

Somehow, somewhere along the lines a foundation of sex and sin begins to form. We begin to learn that somethings we feel need to be worked out, because you can't act on every bodily impulse in life. Hormones change us and our minds go crazy thinking about the opposite sex. To the point that I feel teaching Mathematics in Junior High and Middle schools should be outlawed permanently, because they take in nothing that stays.Many tenth grade algebra teachers have scratched their heads in wonder, as to what had happened to their students in the last three years.. my dear professor, I have solved your dilemma. What I can't seem to solve is the idea among people that some sins are "greater" than others, and that we can label others sinners and not seem to see that it is our label as well... . In passages of the scriptures we find that the writers included the phrase "go and sin no more" coming from Jesus to those people who did not know that they were in the wrong, or those who did, but felt remorse for their actions. 

In Scripture the most dire warnings came to those who professed to be "the example", and were creating situations where others could not be close to God in the temple, or in society. I often am drawn in my thoughts to the women who was about to be stoned for being an "adulteress". Even though her behavior was less than stellar according to the rules of her people, the scripture states Jesus drew something in the sand, although I have no idea what it was, my personal theology says that the power of God showed each person the things that they had done, that they thought no one else would know about. When Jesus challenged the crowd "You with out sin, throw the first stone", no one threw a single stone.

Some how over the last few years we have come to a place where we are allowed to assign points of sorts to sin, and the more points your sin has, the more people seem to feel allowed to "throw stones". If the sin is a little sin, we can look the other way, no crowds needed.. Some how those basic things we learned in church no longer apply in the realm of sin. They are some how lesser in a world of bigger sins. If you have money or status, your sins are not really something you have to show remorse for, no point figures will be awarded... because a dollar figure can put a band-aid over the situation. We have to look much deeper than the surface of how things appear. I think my friend Wanda put it best when she said that "sin is anything that puts distance between you and God", my friend Tim clarifies that to anything that "sin is anything that puts distance between you and God, distance between you and another person, or distance you put between two people, whether that is them to each other, or them to God as well". 

The phrase "go and sin no more" is action oriented, it doesn't just mean "do not", it implies that something has to change in order for the "no more" part to happen, what ever it was that cause the original action to be made okay the first time, has to change with in. If I steal five million from a pension fund, it is not worse than stealing fifty dollars from a gasoline station. What ever made stealing okay in the first place has to go. While we would like to award more sin points to more money stolen.... The only difference is that more people were effected. It in the greatest sense both acts are equally wrong. For the person who does drive offs at the pump, this is just as bad as the person who points a gun to get the drawer money at a gas station. Some would argue that the use of a gun makes is worse.. my theology says it is not worse, it is more traumatic. Sad but true, drive offs are often not even pursued in bigger cities, they just don't have enough weight in the already stretched police divisions, but someone, some place pays the price. 

In today's world in the United States, we don't stone people for their sins.. we actually do something that causes equal pain with a longer sentence. We label people according to actions. Thief, Liar, Bully, Harlot.. the list goes on. Even if we don't say the word out loud, we think it, all the while pretending we deserve no label of our own. "closed minded, judgmental, pious" . We also have a tendency take things a step deeper and assign a "look" to the labeled person in question.. If a blonde woman is pretty, she must be superficial. So she must therefore be only concerned about sex and her looks, and if she dates someone, that girl will certainly ruin the reputation of the person she is with. All the points of that woman's life must be assigned to her sleeve, because she "looks like a harlot, therefore she is assigned sin points based on a glance. What about the poor person? As a person who was low income for a long time I encountered this. "Well this woman is poor, therefore she will need to be watched, because at the first opportunity she will steal money from the box, food from the shelves, or an extra of some sorts" here is your points mam, thanks...  or for the wealthy "His check book is huge, that guy doesn't care who he steals from, he has no heart, do you see that BMW??" I bet he has ten at home. A million points to you sir.... I guess to be "honest", you have to live in the very middle of social classes?? Hmm.

Where I am going with all of this is we need to be careful where we put our sin labels and how we decide  what is worthy of them or not.  I pray for the day when we simply come to realize that treating others badly for any reason is a sin, even through stereotyping, and that bringing people back to the place where they can feel close to God, matters more. I have been with people in many instances where they say, "it doesn't matter what I do, or say no one believes me any ways, so I might as well...". In my life I might never see the end of labels or the sin points awarded to them, but I can at least not let that come from me to another. I can also work to with in myself, not make excuses for "my little meaningless sins" but instead take responsibility, and be vocal in my sharing that I have my own list of sins that I need to address. The first place need to start would be that I have to address that sometimes I feel that people are "jerks" for passing out labels.....just a place to start.. I know there are many more.. 

Sunday, October 6, 2013

TQM Linda Tia My Guardian Angel.

 Te quierissimo mucho! TQM! Those were the words and letters that my dear friend Dora would leave written on my facebook wall sometimes four or five times a week. I think about her everyday, and I am pretty sure that she is never ever far from me. I officially met Dora in 2010 at some church retreats, although I feel that I have known her all my life. She was a ball of fire and loved me more that I feel I deserve. 

While we gathered a few times for lunches and craft time at her home, we talked on Facebook almost every day, and over the phone when life allowed. She always told me I could do anything, and sometimes I believed her.. Sometimes we would string beads while our husbands spent time together. Other days the four of us would gather and she would harass her husband Sonny while he cooked for us. 

One day while sitting at her table she started to cry a little, and she asked me if she ever told me the story about when we very first time first met, I told her she had not. I had gone to Bay City for a conformation of a small child I had baptized that summer. He was afraid to be upfront, so I sat with him and held his hand, so he wasn't alone. (She and I were introduced, but never had the chance to actually get to know each other until a retreat a few weeks later at Blue Water.). I knew I loved her fire and the way that she smiled...  I sat at listened that day as she had told me about an experience that she had with the Holy Spirit, that she knew I was a person of great faith, and that I needed to go into the world with out fear. She was miffed as to why we never got to visit that first day, but she knew that one day we would be good friends.... When she finished her testimony, there were two weeping women at the table. 

I enjoy praying, it is a way to become empty from the bad stuff, and overflowing with the good stuff. Whenever Dora and I talked over the phone, she would let me pray in my very bad, sometimes Google translated Spanish. She always told me that she loved to hear me pray, and that she felt better after prayers.. every time.. When I went to Brazil this July I suddenly had the feeling that I needed to call her one day..She had confessed that she was not feeling well again and that it was serious. I knew deep in my heart I wasn't coming home to her, and that when I prayed she needed to know just how much I lover her, and how she already had been my angel. I cried even harder when the news came that she was indeed gone. Truth is I am crying now, because I can still hear her talking to me sometimes when I am down.. telling me I can do anything.. and of course, te quierissimo mucho.". "I love you, so much".....  and my favorite


Lately life has been hard. I miss my family in so many places that God has blessed me with. My husband and I are trying to buy a house, and I am struggling with school. The mission of the church in Brazil is a very deep and profound part of my daily life.. My heart aches for the people there whom God has sent me to serve, and yet they fill me so much more. I know that God is blessing us, and holding me so tight.. but in that same breath I feel so lost and even helpless.. I have a million beads and can't think of anything to string. I have papers to write, but no real words come. Then God does what he did tonight and life is okay for at least this evening...... Sephora called.... She is my dear sister from the Detroit area born originally in South America... She tells me about her desire to learn Portuguese, and that she has found someone from Brazil that she wants me to meet in Michigan. 

I found after a few minutes that while I was listening to her speak, there was a deeper feeling of calm than what I have felt in months. Suddenly I was thinking "TQM".  I told Sephora that she was bringing me deep ministry and why.. I could hear Dora speaking to me through her in a very special speech rhythm that only Dora used with was a a special moment, and one that I give God many thanks for. While I cannot hug my Tia and hold hands while we pray, I can always remember "TQM... you can do anything..." Amen linda tia... one day soon. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Dear Sir or Madame Senator,

What You are Doing to Me, and My Neighbors

Dear Senator,

Greetings, in the name of humanity.

Can you remember when you worked a minimum wage job? How about the reasons you wanted to be elected, before you were bought by big business and your buddies? I want to know if you can. Why? You may ask do I need to know this? Because I want to know what happened to you, that makes this situation in America okay in your mind. I want to know how the souls of American Senators are bought, because someday, I would like to own all of you, and turn you back to caring people who can't be bought by companies, who won't steal from your constituents, and would never ever lie. Remember when the USA took care of  the senior citizens who worked hard to build this country we enjoy today? Maybe now that is too far away.. 

For years we have argued about poverty, taxes, healthcare, and numerous issues. You have said "well live a better life, go to school, work, own a home, it fixes everything". Believe me, most Americans are trying to do this.The abuse of power and trust that you have exercised, is costing me all of those opportunities, as well as thousands of Americans that want a better life. 

I am trying to keep my family out of poverty, by going to school. Students I know in the work study program will be furloughed, the effects will be devastating for them. . Some schools in health and research will be hurting by tomorrow. You said "Buy a home!, it will stabilize your family and help your life.." Well jinkies, that FHA loan that I have fought to save for tooth and nail.. is now held up because YOU all can't get along. I might loose the seller's acceptance now, because this was my way to finance within reason.. I need healthcare for myself and my husband. We can't have it because you won't allow it to be sold to me at an affordable rate, but you wont stop the gouging prices that would let me pay cash either.... IF I could get through this patch in my life, I would be a second tax payer in a home of 4. I won't be able to get a job that allows any real tax contributions with my high school education, in fact jobs like those level families, and leave them in the clutches of welfare cycles you tell me to get off of.. and you say they need to go because I am bleeding you dry. Do you ever wonder why the American people no longer trust anyone in government???. If I hurt someone in your family, you are not going to sit by and be happy about it! NO! You are not going to trust me around your family or other people in your life. You will watch me like a hawk, and make sure that I don't do that again.

Are you feeling me? This is the vibe across the nation that you have looked away from. The greatest part of this country is that if enough people have had enough, you can no longer have the office in which you have abused your authority. So now you need to know that people are angry, upset, and disappointed in you. I may not have the money to catch your attention, but I do have the ability to share my voice, and to ask others to share theirs! I also have the ability to be sure that you do not have my vote, even to lead the local glee club.. While my one little vote may not seem like much.. if enough of us give ours to the other guy, you have nothing. 

Dear Senator, I will no longer kneel down in humility and beg for your compassion, instead I raise my fist to you, and tell you this will not go unremembered at voting time. While the rest of us pray for a better country to live in, you need to pray about the choices that you have made...It is time for the greed to go, and for the nation to claim a senate that works for its people first and its money second. Yours truly, 

                                                                                                                   An Angry American.  

Friday, September 27, 2013

High School Football... What the Parents Need to Remember


Have you talked to your teenagers these days?? Do you actually listen when they talk to you? My kids have been telling me that they are overwhelmed with school work in some ways. Overwhelmed with the social pecking order, and stresses of an uncertain world.. we should never wonder why schools have become a play ground for psychologists.

Lets take a look at school staff too.. over worked, underpaid.. and still paying off student loans that are from required learning to do the job. Did I mention nearly every school employee has too many kids in their class room.. state and federal mandates to meet.. and here is one more... Less money every year to perform on. So often in the schools we have a mix of burned out employees and tons of hormonal teenagers who are stressed out as well...we nearly need to dispense Prozac with school lunches..

I don't know who needs more help.. the kids or the staff, and I worry about them all. I went to my Alma matter tonight to see a foot ball game. I loved hearing the marching band, and seeing how great the stands looked for the first time as a spectator. For four years I watched the fans from the field as a marching band participant.. what I hated tonight were many of  the parent's behaviors..

I was embarrassed to sit with them. They only applauded the major plays, and grumbled EVERY SINGLE MISTAKE!! Parents. Your kids need you to cheer for them and quit the complaining! This is not the NFL or College ball! These are your teenagers trying to learn a sport and have a good time. I realize that Vassar being 800 students smaller brings a smaller crowd.. the opposing team had so little money, they cannot bus cheerleaders to away games... big sign of the times.... Sad indeed, but the game is the kids time to be kids. On the field they are not rich or poor. They are not dressed badly or in the out crowd! On the field they are orange and black! Mighty Vulcans! Please no eye rolling.. we wonder why school spirit is nothing like the old days... my kids tell me pep assemblies are only at home coming and ice fest.. If it was face book.. I'd be screaming dislike! I need to do some fact checking as my kids are middle school students... but if it is true.. sheesh..

Sometimes a team can only be as good as the leadership, which is not solely coaches, faculty, or association members. The leadership, at home and in the stands, has its responsibility too! Tonight I was feeling very bad for this group of boys who were trying to do what they love. While a loving mother shouted "wake up boys this is sad!"  among many other great statements..... (and one "Tighten that f'ing line up!"came from the press box.. which was highly uncalled for..)
Over and over again the mother complained. I said to her "Did you ever see such a long drawn faces on the players?" She did a double take.. I simply said " these kids need support"

Sports programs teach competition yes, in pro-football players get paid to make it worth the pain. but fans are supposed to make it worth while for high school kids because the wins can be great, but the  losses are even tougher.. Monday morning comes back quickly, and the word "loser"gets tossed around more than you know. Worn out teachers can sometimes do little to boost morale, because their energy is spent trying to stay sane just in the class room.... Remember my words from above.. school staff are beaten over the head everyday with serious problems The kids lives are also more complicated as the information age has many of our kids now are exposed to the difficult questions of life at a much earlier age.. with you in the stands screaming at your kid to "get it together"..

 Somewhere, some way we need to HEAR OURSELVES SPEAK! So next time you go to a ball game.. ask yourself.. do I sound like the kind of fan that those kids want to see and would play their hearts out for, or do I sound like the guy I used to dislike for this same behavior in my own life?. in coming to care about school sports and the players.. take a time out if you can't cheer for the might say the one thing that you can't take back, in front of hundreds of people.

Monday, September 23, 2013

A moment with Ali...

No you probably don't know him, but you see him every week, sometimes more. You say hi and good bye, but do you really know him.?. probably not. I don't know everything about him, but his soft eyes and wide smile always make me feel welcome. His heart does the rest.

 Ali owns a gasoline station, he has a small fit stature, but a heart of gold. He talks to people about the weather, the economy and even the latest news. Ali just asks me "Did you just get back?"... We can skip all the mundane weather chat, because he knows how much I want to tell him about my latest preaching visit or mission project. He genuinely listens, and sometimes teaches me a word or two in Arabic.

Everyone else calls him "Al".. I can't do it. He is Ali, man of many cultures, friend of all he meets. I don't know much about Ali's faith beliefs. I never ask. I don't want to. Ali's ministry of caring and warm welcome is a blessing in my life. If he believes in God as Allah, he is doing well to credit his faith with peace and love. If he is Christian, he is doing well to credit his faith with peace and love..if he is something else in belief, he brings honor to it, because he is so kind.

Ali's early life was one of strife and learning to adapt to life in other places, born to Palestinian parents in a Syrian refugee camp .He never gave up on his dream for the life he wanted... Here he helps Americans survive the rat race, by making people feel welcome at his business. I like to bring Ali cookies, because they are something that we can share without having to explore theological correctness of any kind. You just eat them. It is my way of loving him, with no judgement from the world, and he can accept in the same way.

I confess that a few weeks ago when the world was hanging on by a thread, I was not just devastated for the people who were so blatantly abused in Syria, I was also sickened by the people in many nations who talked about the "costs"of war and peace, with human life as the commodity. Why, because Ali is my connection to that area of the world,  Ali is my living breathing neighbor... whom I adore. I know that with Ali's genuine goodness that no matter where his home is, I am welcome. He in no commodity or number to consider for damages. He is instead my friend. You can speak politics with Ali, and have a good conversation. I wish he was a moderator, because he has a good sense of justice..

While his business is not the closest fuel station around, I always try to find time for a moment with Ali....

Monday, April 8, 2013

Mr. O., Minister of Mathematics

Finding "x" With a Sense of Humor

What a world we live in, an age where the modern miracles of technology have given my generation "generation X", a life style that looks something close to what we saw in the movies. Suddenly we have the world at our fingertips with online shopping and banking. We can maintain global relationships though Skype and many kinds of video chat services.. yes we can look at a camera the size of a pea, and have international boardroom meetings and keep in touch with loved ones over seas. Cell phones.. wow. Walking around with a tiny little hunk of plastic, smaller than a deck of cards.. with no cords attached... We live our lives with our ear glued to it, or our eyes on it's tiny screen... Amazing. All of these things contain calculators, and a number processors of sorts..

There is without a doubt one thing we must remember. Mathematics powers the technology that propels us forward. It is the language that drives science, and and our society. There is just one problem with all of it. If you don't understand the methodology behind the numbers, you can stand to lose everything. You need to know how to track you bank account, figure out interest and payments. You need to know how to get the most for "your numbers" or your money, or it can be gone in a flash.. With that  being said, we need teachers to teach mathematics "Until death or the end of time, what ever comes first" as Mr. O says. Meet Mr. O., my college math teacher extraordinaire.

While many people have grown dependent on the machines we have to figure out sums and maintain our information, we know that we need to be able to do these things ourselves when machines break. In order to explore new frontiers, we have to understand how we got where we are now, therefore we need mathematics class to live and to move forward and change technology. While math is fairly straight forward subject, for people like me, it is a devastatingly complicated subject. I am a person who is abstract and the thoughts of math classes send me into a tizzy, because they are far from abstract. However I have found a teacher that I understand. Here is why. Mr. O., my professor at Mott is not just a math teacher, he is a minister of Mathematics. Rather than just mumble formulas and demonstrate problems, he gives the reasons why each method applies to real life. In a world where many college teachers must compete with the stellar looks of technology, they struggle to hold the attention of students who are used to rapid fire information,  graphics, and even sound effects. Mr. O. teaches with three colors of markers, a dry erase board, and humor.  He makes jokes, and never assumes that the class at large has a concept without asking us first if we are comfortable. He has time for his students, and takes time to walk them through problems with out demeaning them. It takes a special person to empower older and non traditional students who are in a class like this.

I also want to mention that Mr. O teaches basic math, or in realistic college terms, elementary and Jr high or remedial math for college students. I have found that many students in these kinds of classes are not there because they have a passion for the subject. They are there because Math 100+ is required for graduation. In this math 021, at 9:30 am. Some students are tired, cranky, ungrateful, and sometimes flat out rude. Mr. O. just keeps teaching, and when those same students come to him wanting help, he gives it right away. Since we have moved to pre-algebra concepts I have noticed that more students are asking questions, and getting the idea that they need to pay attention in class. Suddenly finding "x" is serious business in their minds, but Mr. O. takes time to keep joking. The more threatening the problems seem in the students minds, the more jokes he tells to keep them listening. I have come to believe that Mr. O Truly wants his students to succeed inside and outside of the classroom..  There in lays the ministry aspect. I sit in the front of the class so I hear many students share their life concerns and their math concerns, Mr. O. listens to them and always leaves them with some kind of encouragement. He seems to apply his same method of math problem solving to real life.. phrases like "just keep chipping away until it is smaller, or don't get lost, ladies and gentlemen, you don't want to go there," applies. In a world where uncaring seems to prevail, Mr. O. is lifting up students to get the next level in life and mathematics. This is what ministry is about, helping people to come further on the journey..

So until death or the end of time, what ever comes first. I'll always have a deep appreciation for Mr. O., minister of mathematics.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Good Friday Reflection

.Take up thy Cross.

Today was a very busy day. I went to Caro to retrieve my guitar and change the oil in my car. I had been a few places in Mayville and Vassar as well, and was kind of stressed because my hard saved money for Conference has been going for other things that can’t be avoided. Life is such that sometimes you just have to pray and trust, or take up your Cross and follow. To me taking up the cross is more than just admitting that I have sinned and asking for forgiveness. It is also taking the responsibility for the things that I have done, and seeing to it that reconciliation happens.. Sometimes that is the heaviest weighted cross that we bear. 
God has always taken care of me. There just isn’t anything for mission work or true necessity he has not provided for me. Today while I was fuming in my mind about having to get money from my savings for prescriptions and other things I was complaining to God ever so loudly in my mind. Then I saw them. A man was walking through town with a group of about 8 people. He was carrying a very heavy wooden cross. I thought wow, of I knew them, I’d go with them. We watched him for a few minutes, and then I went into Subway to buy our lunch. I overheard a woman say, oh there are people with him this time. Last year he just carried that cross around town all day, alone. The word “alone” burned in my ears and had me thinking about those last few thoughts in my mind. “If I knew them”.. Why would I need to know them? I know the symbolism; I know that they are acknowledging the very person I have given my life in service to. It was like the second rooster was crowing in my head. I went from taking away God’s opportunity to bless me, to saying well, if those Christians were “my people, or my tribe” I’d go with them. I felt like I was suddenly clunked in the head with a thousand pound cross.  For me the sins weren’t so much doubt, as it was the attitude that I was carrying with it. God knows that in our humanity we struggle to trust, but I had asked him years ago to help Lee and I out of poverty, so that we could be a blessing to others. God has done that. He also has taken care of all of my missions and paid for airfare, camp fees, and many things. I spend a lot of time teaching others to trust God to put them on the path for blessing; I need to practice what I preach. 5 years ago, I didn’t even have a savings to speak of, I should be grateful I even have it.  
I have been speaking a lot in my writings and work about working with other faith communities, and about getting to know people. I feel strongly about the passage in Matthew that instructs us “to go into all nations”. I have often said that part of that phrase was also metaphorical. Many nations these days exist in one single state. We have so many connections with people through jobs, social types, towns and counties, that the possibilities are limitless. Yet I had already assumed that I couldn’t simply walk with them, because I didn’t know them. Would it even matter if I ever knew their names? The expression of carrying that cross was what mattered most.
During services tonight at the Crossroads congregation, I was struck by the feelings that I had been carrying. Feeling guilty for being cranky with God, feeling like an outsider among my own fellow man, I knew that I was one of the those people who had set the rooster crowing with my attitude.. During the last few moments of the service the lights were turned completely off. Brother Darwin covered the cross with a black drape, and we had a moment of reflection; It was very still in the church.. In the car on the way home I talked with Dorothy a little about the things that had been going on in the service. She mentioned to me that it was awful that the thieves’ legs were broken, and that Jesus was needlessly stabbed in the side. I told her just to remember that in three days Jesus rose and that all was well from then on. While we spend a lot of time carrying crosses the resurrection has never stopped. Yes the resurrection was well at hand in those days. The people waiting in fear in that upper room 2000 years ago were about to be amazed and be changed. It never ended the resurrection is happening now, and will be for tomorrow as well. For as long as we have sin and struggle, and along as we have need, the resurrection happens daily.
What is important is that we take up our cross, but we must always be responding to the resurrection. Sometimes we get so caught up on carrying our own cross that we forget to head to the resurrection. Our life struggles don’t have to keep us wandering with a heavy load, if we acknowledge them and take responsibility for the ones we try to ignore. Often times our stubborn nature, and our need to self-efficiency keep us from the resurrection. I think of it like handing over a cookie to God, and then snatching it back half way through. We often only trust God with the crumbs left in his hand. Guilt is the hardest cross to get rid of. We often won’t even give a single crumb from that cookie, because it is painful, and shameful. As you prepare for the resurrection, I pray that you will take time to examine your crosses, and then begin the journey towards the resurrection, the very peace that sustains us

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Rain Drops by Grace

God's Grace Through a Rainstorm
There are sometimes in our lives when we take time to give thanks to God simply for human life. We celebrate birthdays, holidays, major life milestones. I think most of us enjoy times when we gather with family and friends for those occasions that we have deemed a family occasion. With Christimas a New Years fresh in our minds, many of us are feeling refreshed from long meals and gift exchanges with loved ones. Some of us visited with family that we had not seen in a long time, that is often a treasured gift on it's own. Then there are times where we thank God for human life, becasue we have suffered loss, or have been given a glimpse of what could have been a possible tragedy.
I am feeling a little of all of these things. I enjoy Christmas time, and seeing my family. I was able to visit with my brother James, who lives away from home for work. There were the special events with the 26 neices and nephews crawling all over "Aunt Crabby".. Yesterday I lost my cousin Teresa, and today I almost lost several people that I love. I know that my thoughts will not be far from my own mortality for days as I ponder these events.
While I am a small town farm girl from the Northern Mid-West USA, and American by birth, I am also a Brazilian woman. I belong to the Carvalho family, by direction/adoption of the Holy Spirit. I want you to know this because the testimony that I am about to share needs to have the inclusion of a deep and abiding love that has been built over time, and for me includes not just other members of my church, but also includes members of my family, by that adoption.The church in Poá, São Paulo Brazil, sits on a hill that is rather steep, and it is a busy area with a fair amount of traffic at times. Carlos, my dear papai, lives across the street from the church, on the northern side of the street with his family. Today his son, and two other close loved ones were washing the car, and it began to rain. (it is scorching hot summer there right now)...They abandoned the cleaning project when heavy rains moved in. Moments later a crash was heard, and the back of the car was smashed in, and the car badly damaged, where my loved ones were working.. Essentially four lives could have been lost in those few seconds, as soon Carlos will be a grandfather. The hand brake had failed on another vehicle, and it went crashing into the back of the car.
I know that many people would say it was a coincedence, or that it was just good luck. I have no use for luck of any kind, as there are only 3 kinds, good luck, bad luck, and none at all ....the odds are just not in my favor. Grace and blessings though are one hundred percent assured. I know the power of rainstorms. I lost my home and most of my belongings to a rain storm. That was simply something that happened. God was there, as none of my family was hurt. This time, I have to give God thanks simply for grace. For whatever reason of what ever kind, my loved ones went in to get out of the rain at that very moment and were spared! I was once spared in the same way. I was supposed to ride somewhere with some friends, and my buddy Rodney insisted that I ride with my sister, even though at the time we fought constantly. His insistance saved my life, as I would not have survied the crash that followed.. the back seat where I would have been moments before was completly crushed. The three young people that were spared today have more work to do in this world. I had more work to do to.. They each have their talents and possibilites to yet unfold, and the grace of God has allowed for that to happen. Although I will never have concrete, undoubtable proof for the rest of the world, the testimony of my heart says that God has sent grace this day, in the form of rain drops.....

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

When Proverbs Come to Shove..

Why I Won't Click Share

Peer pressure is a lovely thing in someways. It can rally people for a cause such as fighting cancer, getting people to vote, or to participate in a worthy event. Other times peer pressure is the cause of common threads that spread of the cancers of the mind, such as prejudice, and very zealous hate posting on facebook. On facebook and other media sites, the pressure is on!!  Almost daily I read things that say "Click share if you love your sister" or Click share if you LOVE dogs" those are not so bad I guess.... but then we have pictures of animals that are bloody, they say "Click share if you are against animal violence", others I have seen are picture of statistics regarding Christianity you better click share or you are a closet Christian.. or worse a sinner. Oh my.. oh my...(we are that anyways). I have news for you.. I am an open Christian. But I will never ever click share when someone posts this kind of stuff.  I don't care of it makes me appear to be a "gun toting grandma hating puppy kicker", the operative word is "appear". People who truly know me, know that my actions speak for what I believe in. The photos that are being shared make many people feel sick, and are an immediate turn off, even though they are supposed to invoke emotion or action. Often times the point is lost, before the words sink in. Othertimes we are simply offended at the implication that we are too stupid to understand there is a problem.
As to the problem of religious click and share for Christans.. Jesus ministry was about choosing. He, himself taught lessons, visited with people, preached and cared for people. He never ever threatened the common people whom he was trying to reach. Even men like Zacheus, he simply shared a meal and spoke to him. Yes Jesus threatened the Pharisees and Sadducee's. They were learned men, who were clearly abusing God's words. They also were abusing their position in society that was founded on their religion to glean all they could in the temple and on the streets from God's children. Jesus often began those statements to them with "Woe to you .... you who....", he never spoke to those whom he was preaching to like that in a crowd. Especially in a crowd of unlearned poor people. Instead Jesus began to tell them about a home that was being made ready for them, and how they would be filled with joy and hope. There was a sense of belonging to a family and a community that would take them in, and love them.
Jesus never used guilt or fear as a tool for public teaching. He also never used what I called the "yin for yang wisdom" found in Proverbs. It was much much deeper than that. Rather than campaign for some bandwagon ideal, Jesus went very deep into the ideas he was sharing by teaching with a story or parable. He offered an illustration that was reflective of life that the person he was speaking to, so they would hear what he was saying, then he would further explain so they could understand the pupose of the story. Matthew 13 uses the illustration of a farmer sowing seeds, his own disciples even asked him "Why do you use these illustrations?" (Matthew 13: 10, The Way). He then proceeds to tell them that He wanted those who needed to understand.

As for effective witness.....
People often ask me because I am a very active young married, "How can we get young adults to come to church? How do we get them to come and bring their children?" The answer is very simple, and very, very straight forward. Tell them your testimony, your story of how Jesus touched your life. Tell them why He matters to you. No fluff, no bling, no glitter, just your testimony.  Then sit and listen, listen, LISTEN. Be prepared to change the order, sometimes you have to listen, and then tell your story. Either way you form a caring relationship that is real. When people ask me why I use little note cards when I preach, instead of huge papers, I tell them it is because I am telling my story, and that is written in my head, so no notes are needed. What people are looking for is clear and concrete proof of the ways that Jesus changes lives. The only clear and concrete proof you can have is your own story. When you spend all of your time gathering proof or testimony from other sources, it is very hard sometimes to stand by what you share, especially when things happen and suddenly that testimony is no longer true or applicable. Your testimony will always be true, no matter what happens.
If you look very closely and read, then re-read the "click and share" campaigns, they are often times pushed through by groups and individuals that have some kind of personal gain with the cause they are pushing. One time I saw a title page that was called "God", the click and share picture was a slide making fun of Tim Tebow for taking a knee in public. Now for as long as I have known God, I have never ever heard of God being upset with people for expressing their faith publicly for Him. It is only when there is a personal gain that it is no longer preferable. I also get angry when a post implies that if I don't "click and share" I am implying that some horrible condition will exist for my family. I am sorry but this gives credit and power to evil in our lives, and allows us to think that there is something bigger than God that is present. I cannot, and will not allow that kind of thinking to rule my life.
While there is much wisdom to be found in Proverbs, it is a cause and effect kind of wisdom. It in many ways does not allow for the depth that we as human beings a quite capable of taking in. Don't get me wrong, it is a starting point, but only that.  As for the posts on facebook and other social media, they are not even starting points, just opinions that people have formed and posted. They often do more harm than good because people from other faiths see them. These people then draw the conclusion that Christians are narrow minded and intolerant of not only them, but of each other. So for as long as facebook proverbs come to shove, I choose not to share.