Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Other 11 Months

When I was a kid I always wanted to be a doctor. I loved taking care of people, to the point where when my dad accidently cut his head open with a chain saw, I cut out paper bandaids for his head, I asked for a doctors kit for Christmas that year, and Santa graciously obliged. I was so happy! For many Christmas seasons to come Santa continued to wow me. I remember the year I got a hand held Citizens black and white television. Then there was the year I got a "Get in Shape Girl"  exercise kit and a camera.. I was so happy I could have burst!

Now that I am older I really have no desire to have more things or for Santa to spend time "wowing" me. I am not an old crab or anything like that, it is just that for me I want Christmas, the Season of Hope and Blessing to not be confined in my life to one 4 - 5 week span each year. There are so many opportunies to come in contact with the living Christ, the forever living hope, that I like to spend as much time as possible in this kind of spiritual preparation for blessings the rest of the year, as most  people do only for Advent and Christmas..  "Santa"  a figure of blessings has been present with me year round for quite some time now. I like to think of him as the greatest marketing figure for angelic ministry of generosity ever. Yes I know in some ways it is sad that Jesus did not get that kind iconic representation for the masses, but I think some day the world will be more likely to "get it" as we mature.

This year I went to Brazil and painted a church with two of my friends from the church in July. It was my second of three trips in one year..

 I never would have dreamed or imagined that I would be doing this kind of missionary work overseas. Seeing the transformation of the people as the work progressed was amazing.. The look of hope became more and more noticeable each week on the faces of the people as they delighted in the improvements being made. To add to this story of blessings, I had someone graciously pay for the paint, and my air fare. My family is not wealthy, and sometimes we have to really scrimp to get through the week, but there is always enough because someone always provides in some way was missing, Most often that person was from my faith community.. 90% of the blessings we have received have been from January to November as God does not limit the blessings of knowing His Son to the Advent and Christmas seasons. 

So often I have experinced the wow moments during times of struggle, much like when I was a child, and it never ever loses its effect when the blessings come forth. It feels warm and amazing everytime.. So Santa forgive me if I am not really worked up for just December, and I have not left you out at all... there are simply 11 other months out of the year that also bring joy to life, and I want to appreciate them all

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