Saturday, March 31, 2012

Lingua Franca

As a child, my first experiences with languages began at an event called World Conference. World Conference is the gathering of my faith community that brings people from all over the world to gather in worship and business meetings, to decide church policy. Many events take place at each Conference, so may that you cannot do everything there is to do at each conference. Many events over lap each other, so each conference is a new experience. One of the most joyful things about the conference, is the many people from far and wide who gather. People from Africa, Asia, South America, Canada and Mexico, Middle America, Australia, the Islands of the Pacific, and Europe, are present. They share their culture, worship expressions, and love.

The church has many people who volunteer their time and energy to provide materials in many languages, so that everyone has an opportunity to participate with equal understanding. Many of our hymns are printed in multiple languages. I cannot describe the feeling of five thousand people singing in nine or more languages at once. It is as if the heavens open, and the Angels have joined in. My thoughts today about conference are in preparation for the next conference. It is in April of 2013. Through facebook I have "cyber met" many of my church's members since the last conference. There are so many old friends I long to see, and so many new ones I wish to meet.

Part of my spiritual gifts lie in the ability to speak languages with out an accent very quickly. In a few hours I can learn to "meet and greet" if I listen long enough. I am thankful for this, because it helps me to share about the love of God, and his Son. Being able to greet someone, and acknowledge them, is the very first way that we can provide ministry to those we meet. At this time I can greet in French, Spanish, Portuguese, Afrikaans, Swahili, Turkish,Italian Japanese, Chinese, Tagalog, German, Dutch, Norwegian, Indonesian and Tahitian. I can speak French, and Indonesian fairly well for traveling, but not fluently. I am learning Spanish and Portuguese gradually. I hope that eventually my feet will be upon the sands of the countries that these languages come from. This fall I am going to Brazil with some of my church family from Michigan. It seems so far away, yet so unbelievably close. I know that one thing is for sure, the common language, or lingua franca, is love. We care for each other and pray for each other often. Just by smiling and acknowledging each other we have left the door open for growth and understanding. All people can seem to understand feelings of warmth and love.

There are two people whom I have come to look up to as worldwide mentors. Joey and Art. They to have the the gift of greeting and languages. Theirs is much more tuned and proficient, but they use those gifts in humility and with grace. I first met Joey when I was fourteen. His mother and father hosted me for two conferences. The second conference I stayed with his family followed the tragic suicide of my dear friend. Joey's laughs and smiles helped me to get back to my language study in French I had neglected in grief. The young man who died was my language partner at school. We were in independent studies. Art is a Seventy, or a minister who shares about the peace of Jesus. He also recognises giftedness in others and helps congregations in South America to plant and grow. He is always sharing about his travels, and bringing us one step closer to each other through his posts of facebook. I am thankful everyday that Art and Joey are so talented.

So today I challenge you to do something new, maybe even difficult. Find a program that teaches languages. Don't try to be fluent over night. Instead, learn hello, and maybe good bye. One word, one day at a time, opens us up to greater possibility in sharing the lingua franca we live for, LOVE.

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