Friday, November 14, 2014

Ministry of "Girlfriends"

                                             THE MINISTERS OF EVERYDAY LIFE

We never know where the road will take us or the places we will go, Sometimes life hurls sticks and stones at us that hamper the way and other times trees and entire houses that try to crush us. I have discovered that God has given women a very special gift. This is the gift of ministry from our "girlfriends";our life champions from God. Our girl groups lift us up and help us to stand when life is trying to drag us down. Women know things about each other even when no one has said anything and we care for each other in a way that sometimes men just can't fathom.. Guys have their relationships for sure, but girls connect in a certain way they never seem to understand.

I look to Ruth in the scriptures for some of the first knowledge I have about this kind of ministry. Her dedication to take care of her mother-in-law must have been because the bond they shared was very strong. Ruth would have been forced to glean food from the fields to take care of them. Unless you really love someone it is hard to care for them when you are forced to beg for yourself. I also think about Martha and Mary.. Yes they were sisters but they had to be friends in order to endure all that they had and remain sane.. Following Jesus back then was no easy feat. The women often held up the early church in such ways that caused the Apostle Paul to take note of their actions. Everything from carrying messages to providing hospitality in times of great need. They had to work together to care for each other..

Women's ministry is a very complex thing. It is wrapped with emotions and a deep sense of connection to others in our midst. Emotions can be scary,, they lead to tears and often show us just how vulnerable that we are. I had an experience where I had carried pain very deeply for 5 years. An addiction on the part of  a family member nearly left my own family destitute and on the outside of our extended family. I was lost and angry. I felt so alone and yet overwhelmed with too many people talking to me all the time who had no idea what I felt. My girlfriend whom I call "Momella" would listen and talk to me. I would just cry for hours. I think I cried for almost 6 weeks straight.. For 5 years I pretended to be okay, I was tired and broken, Those tears gave me my life back. Momella has a way of making her girlfriends feel so close to God.

I have another girlfriend that I rarely get to see, Kris, My connection with her is so strange and wonderful at the same time. She is a pastor over the staff of my faith community.. the pastor's pastor.. Lol.. This woman has a way of making people feel loved and appreciated. I cannot describe it. I feel like she empowers people in ways that they cannot imagine.. sometimes that empowerment comes from laughing and being just funny,, and drying our tears of pain and frustration in the next. Girlfriends like her keep the rest of us sane.. It seems like some of my best girlfriends in life are pastors.. Precia, Vicki, Julie, others are pastoral and share love and prayers.. Jody, Hazel, Jen... 

I lost some of my girlfriends.. Gayla and My Dora.. spitfires who had no problem shoving me face first into God's hands when I would struggle.. They were my cheerleaders and some of my strength. Gayla was my momma tiger.. She was fierce and ornery.. especially when she thought someone she loved was being hurt. I miss her every day. Dora was my Mexican beauty given to me by the Holy Spirit. "Linda Tia".. when I would encounter struggles she would say "You will get the big bless of God!" she was always right. She died when I was in Brazil last year. I cried with Fernanda. One of my girlfriends in Brazil who is my Brazilian mom. She always fusses over me.. even spent 3 weeks taking care of me and washing my laundry in the USA when I was in recovery from a near fatal infection last summer. 

It is funny how life can change us. My sister Dj is also one of my "girlfriends" in ministry. She gives good advice and has a way of knowing what part of the bigger picture is really important. She also never lies to me when my clothes look bad or my hair cut is bad.. We need that kind of honesty to avoid a life time of mistakes.. I also have my American mom (midnight shopper and hilarious to boot) and a little sister. They all play their rolls in our lives. I have some female cousins.. certifiably crazy. They are also amazing and wonderful.. I have aunts who are great too,, especially aunt Martha. she deserves her own article. A faithful loving person who has been my life long role model.

This web that God has woven with women who have back bones of steel and hearts of gold hold me up in prayer. Without them life is diminished and dark. Some would say that this is not a ministry, just a bunch of goofy women who spend time together.. in truth it is the most powerful ministry a girl can have. Having girlfriends that will fight for everything with you, pray till their mouth runs dry.. and encourage you the last few miles of the race.. that is the ministry of girlfriends.. taking the ordinary to the extraordinary... 

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