Thursday, April 26, 2012

Soldier Stories We Can't Ignore..PTSD and Other Issues

Who They Are….

Although I am an agent of peace, I am a realist. Peace comes from the acceptance of others, and the willingness to live in harmony with one another. We know that right now we are along ways away from Peace on a worldwide level. As long as mankind must have power, wealth and glory for himself, we are in desperate need of soldiers. They are men and women who are willing to put their lives on the line, to make our land safe. At times they must go to other lands to protect us, and those who live in those nations. Soldiers are not simple minded war machines trained to kill. They are people who desire to protect their country. They are neighbors, friends, and family who have dedicated themselves to the service of the nation. They are also some of the most neglected people in the nation, when we speak of post war services.

Testimony of Injustice….

Today I sat in a room listening to two veteran soldiers, from different positions in the military. They told about where they served, what they saw, and the horrible way they were treated by our government when they came home. Both of them shared that they had a terrible time with funding promised to them for college. They also shared that many younger vets give up trying to pursue benefits, because a simple request for promised help can take years to fulfill. Paper work gets “lost” that is needed for benefits. Some of these benefits require that the solider must have an original sign up paper to receive promised benefits. Yet when that paper, which is entrusted to the military paper work office is gone, the result is “ too bad for you”.. EXCUSE ME??????? I wonder if it would have been “too bad” for us, if these men and women had no dedication to their homeland, and we were invaded and just had to take it…

The Heart Shaker…

One element of this discussion though, called me in my mind straight to my knees in prayer and sadness. It called me to write this as soon as I got home, that is the neglect of soldiers with PTSD, or post-traumatic stress disorder.  Post-traumatic stress disorder is an effect that takes place after major human trauma. This is either to the mind, body, or human environment. There are many symptoms, and they are manifested in different ways, depending on the person affected by it. Both of these men shared that symptoms began with in a few weeks of returning home.

When the simple joy of being home wears off………..

 They were so focused on getting back to family and friends that they could not really process the truth of their situation. That is, that they were both damaged by the horrible things they had seen, but had to bottle. Not all of them are traditional circumstances that cause this condition. One soldier said he saw a friend drown to death, because he was stuck in his gear. A single incident of death at home like this, would be the cause for community awareness. Friends and family of the victim would be cling together and many would get the attention they need to heal from clergy and community members. Yet after this funeral, no one was able to really speak about it They were still in the business of staying alive..  

“When in the war, you dream about being home, when at home you dream about being in the war”… (Words of the Sargent)  Both men shared that good men and women they knew, fell to drinking and drugs to cope with the pain and suffering of PTSD. They shared about the pain of having to sleep away from their own wives and loved ones until they could stop kicking and jerking in their sleep. This is at a time, when we would want to hold our spouse and comfort them. However in a dream one cannot tell the difference in a spouse’s loving touch, and the enemy..

The Dilemma of Telling  Truth, or even Knowing You Have PTSD….

So many of you are asking why don’t Military PTSD sufferers just get help??? Well the first problem is recognition of the problem itself.  When you are living it, it is hard to know that is what is happening to you. Many have to be told they have it. Second these men and women are taught to be tough, and weakness is not permitted. Telling someone you are having a problem, will move you down in the ranks of “rough and tough”. Only 2 questions are asked of returning soldiers.  They are very bland, and ask if you feel suicidal, or bad about anything… The Military had forgot to install the   “check this box” for witnessing death, pain, destruction. Being shot at, nearly blown up, and attacked at any time of day or night. Yet if you get a diagnosis of PTSD, the probability of getting a decent job is ruined by admission of the problems that result from pain, death, and destruction, so you pay for your honesty and your self-esteem takes a dive on the process.

Final Thoughts…

There are classes in place for soldiers to take when they get home. However for people who have been “family and friends” starved for months, the ability to focus on them is nil. We are foolish to believe that a few hours of training can really help a human being who has been shaken to the core of their very being. These people need a lot of counseling, and mentoring back into the civilian world. They need a partnership with their community, to give them a chance to get a good job. Today as you examine your part in Coming to Care about Soldiers, ask yourself if you can be an ear to listen, a shoulder to cry on. Ask yourself if you could give your time to help a soldier recover in some way?. If these are not your skills, then please be a voice, make yourself known to the government through your local State rep and Senator, and tell them that Veteran Care has to be improved for the sake of those who protect us, and those who for that service of protection have suffered.

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